TNLTA Land Title School
FEBRUARY 22, 23, 24, 2017
Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville
Applied for: 3 hours General CLE
Applied for: 3 hours General CE
Joshua Hopkins – Rubin Lublin, LLC
Justin Tanner – Agents National Title Insurance Company
An interactive look at the fundamentals of title to real estate in the State of Tennessee.
This course, aimed at all fields and skill levels within the Tennessee residential real estate industry, will examine the foundation and fundamentals of title to real estate. In addition, attendees will participate in an interactive discussion of other topics including, draftsmanship,
deed recording requirements, safeguarding private information, and the timely recording of legal instruments. Whether you are just getting started in the real estate industry, or are a seasoned veteran, From the Dirt Up will offer all attendees insight into the backbone of the practice of residential real estate.
9:00-10:00 A.M. Title Fundamentals
10:00-10:10 A.M. BREAK
10:10-11:10 A.M. Draftsmanship, Deed Recording Requirements, Safeguarding Private Information, Timely Recording of Legal Instruments
11:10-11:20 A.M. BREAK
11:20-12:20 P.M. Real Life Title Insurance Claims
NOTE: For member attendees from the same office, second and subsequent registrants may attend at the discounted price of $50 per person. You must be a TNLTA member to take advantage of this discount, and register at the same time.