Approved for: 4 hours General CLE
Approved for: 1 hours Ethics CE
Andy Maloney, Nashville Title Insurance Corporation
Joshua Hopkins – Rubin Lublin, LLC
Justin Tanner – Agents National Title Insurance Company
The CFPB’s labeling of an owner’s title insurance policy as “optional” may be a challenge,
however, it’s also an opportunity for title professionals to contact the homebuyer directly and
explain how title insurance protects their property rights. To learn how to educate consumers about
the value of title insurance,manage online consumer complaints (and your reputation) and promote
your business, ALTA has launched our new Homebuyer Outreach Program Workshops.
TNLTA Land Title
Outreach Program
February 9, 10
and 11, 2016
Chattanooga and Nashville, Tennessee
8:00 a.m.
Welcome & Intros
8:05 a.m.
Managing Consumer Complaints in a Social Media Context
This session will explain how to
use social media to monitor consumer complaints
on across various digital and
social media platforms. We’ll discuss sample policies
and procedures your company can
use to monitor your online reputation and
properly handle consumer
complaints online. We’ll also provide tips on how to
remain compliant in the social
media space.
9:00 a.m.
Training Your Staff – Identify Your “But”
During this session we’ll discuss
the importance of full staff training (not just your
closers) on the best ways to
communicate the benefits of an owner’s title insurance
policy. We’ll also begin to
examine the reasons that many in the land title industry
do not currently communicate
directly with homebuyers and ways to move past
those barriers.
10:00 a.m. How
Any Company Can Become a Marketing Power House
This innovative and interactive
session will take attendees through a tour of the new
tools specifically designed to
round out a company’s marketing efforts to
consumers.With more than 60
marketing tools, participants will explore the digital,
presentation and print marketing
tools to understand how ALTA’s Homebuyer
Outreach Program can be adapted
in their business and in their market.
11:00 a.m. A
Homebuyer, a Realtor and a LenderWalk Into a Bar…
…and unfortunately, neither of
them understands the benefits of title insurance.
This hands-on session will engage
participants through the process of effectively
communicating the benefit our
industry provides during real estate transactions.
With a focus on title agents,
realtors, lenders and homebuyers, we’ll discuss the
best ways to explain title
insurance and the pitfalls to avoid in your
communication efforts.
12:00 p.m. Wrap-up & Closing Remarks
NOTE: For member attendees from the same office, second and subsequent registrants may attend at the discounted price of $50 per person. You must be a TNLTA member to take advantage of this discount, and register at the same time.