This course has been approved for 3 hours general CLE credit and 3 hours CE credit.
PRESENTER: Clyde Richert
"But Papaw Wanted Me to Have It" – Probate and Estate Issues
8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 – 10:00 Ownership of Real Estate
1. Types of ownership
2. Differences
Problem #1 – Owner dies and heirs are ready to sell
1. Initial issues
2. 2 month “dead” period
3. 6 month rule
Problem #2 – Who is the owner?
1. Owner dies intestate
2. Owner dies testate
10:00 – 10:15 Break
10:15 – 11:45 Problem #3 – Debts of Decedent
a. 4 months to file
b. Claim filing rules
c. Estate insolvent
d. TennCare issues
Problem #4 – Death taxes
a. Investigate
b. Indemnify
c. Overview of Tennessee and federal death taxes