TNLTA Land Title School
September 13, 14, 15, 2017
Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville
Approved for: 3 hours General CLE
Approved for: 2 hours General CE
This is a two (2) part course. The first session will focus on a “mixture” of title topics which will leave attendees feeling refreshed about their knowledge of title to real estate in the State of Tennessee. Among the topics to be discussed in the first session are death & probate, divorce, easements, partition surveys, renewal of judgment liens, what constitutes a “sufficient” legal description under Tennessee law, and “HELOC’s.” The second session will cover topics that will prepare you for the inevitable cyber-attack. Training will utilize third party training videos describing how attacks are planned and what they look like when they occur. Staff and Realtor training videos will be reviewed that address how to guard against wire fraud scams. Attendees will receive written Data Breach Response Plan templates to assist in their development of policies and procedures for their offices. Finally, the FTC recommended Data Breach Notification package will be reviewed to ensure your response will pass regulatory scrutiny.
8:30-9:00 A.M. Registration
9:00-10:30 A.M. Title Topics
10:30-10:45 A.M. BREAK
10:45-12:15 P.M. Preparing for the Inevitable Cyber Attack
Joshua Hopkins –
Litigation Associate, Rubin Lublin, LLC
Eugene McCullough-
Director of Title Industry Services, PYA
Andy Maloney-
President, Nashville Title Insurance Corporation
NOTE: For member attendees from the same office, second and subsequent registrants may attend at the discounted price of $50 per person. You must be a TNLTA member to take advantage of this discount, and register at the same time.