Thank you for participating in the On-line auction to benefit TitlePAC Tennessee.
By choosing the "Register Now" link, you will see a list of items with the item number, item name and name of winner. The amount of the winning bid is shown beside the item. Please "click" on your item(s) and "continue" to complete the registration screen to accept your item.
You will then choose your payment option. Payment may be made by credit card at this time or you may choose the "Send me a Bill" option and an invoice will be automatically sent to you. Please remember that payments must be received by December 12. If payment is not received by December 12, the next highest bidder will become the winner.
If paying by check, please make check payable to Land TitlePAC of Tennessee and mail to:
Tennessee Land Title Association PO Box 125 Watertown, TN 37184Items will be shipped via FedEx or will be personally delivered, depending upon the size of the item and location of the winner. Every effort will be made to have all items delivered prior to Christmas.