WEBINAR – Part 1: Why Should You Adopt a Best Practices Program?

Why Should You Adopt a

Best Practices Program?

Part 1 of 3 Webinars taken from the
"Putting Your Best Foot Forward with ALTA Best Practices"
seminar that was given in October 2013. 
You can not receive CE or CLE credit twice for this same seminar, if you attended in person.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 12:00 – 1:00 P.M. CST
APPROVED:  1 hour Ethics CLE and CE

Presented by Gene McCullough of Title Experts and Management Services

REGISTER EARLY – Space is limited to 25 attendees per session.


If you have difficulty with your registration, please email tnlta@tnlta.org or call Lisa McNamara at 615-288-3936.

Registration is a 2-step process. Registering with TLTA is Step 1. After registering, you will receive an email from TLTA with instructions for completing Step 2 (registering on the GoToTraining site).